As a co-founder of a company, not a week goes by where I don't reflect on all the amazing people in my world that helped me develop my career, skills, path, etc. I plan to highlight at least one of these people every couple of weeks.
I need to start where it all began, and that's with my parents. Art and Eva Mannion met in Paris in 1966, got married in 1971 and had me in 1973. My younger brother and I were born in NYC and moved to Connecticut in 1986.
My father is a lawyer, financier, entrepreneur, investor, and self proclaimed international man of mystery. 😉 More importantly, he's one of the most positive people I've ever encountered and infused us with the belief that anything is possible if you're willing to be humble, learn, and work your ass off. He always taught us that every human in this world deserves your respect regardless of their station in life. He is right. We could use a lot more of that in our political discourse right now, but I digress.
My mother spoke six languages and grew up all over Europe as the daughter of an Icelandic diplomat. She was sophisticated, classy, well dressed and fierce when she needed to be. She taught us to always have grace under pressure and that being quiet is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. She loved as fiercely as she protected.
My parents were diagnosed with terminal cancer within four months of each other. Mom was first with stage 4 lung cancer and given six months to live. Dad was diagnosed with chronic leukemia which they said he could live with until it turned acute three weeks later and they told him he had six weeks.
Mom made it 23 months and died four days before Christmas in 2007. Dad beat his leukemia and is still telling stories at the young age of 84. They both taught us the value of perseverance. Don't believe what other people or the "odds" tell you is going to happen. You live your life on your terms, defy the odds, and make your own luck.
While my Mom was a woman of few words, her actions spoke volumes. We buried her on December 24th 2007. On Christmas Day, we were all opening presents that were under the tree from my Mom. 😯 She was constrained to her hospital room the last five weeks of her life. What we later learned is from her hospital bed while the cancer was trying to choke the oxygen out of her lungs, she organized my Aunts, Uncles and cousins to go Christmas shopping on her behalf. THANK YOU to all of you.
Our parents taught us how to seek truth, play games, enjoy life, and persevere over whatever life throws at you. While we take aspects of life seriously we never take ourselves too seriously. There is a wonderful freedom in believing in yourself, working hard to be of service to others, and laughing at everything else.
So...that's how this all started. Can't wait to highlight all the rest of you in the coming months/years. 😁 🙄 😆